Tracking: Is Your Data Feeding the AI Beast?
The rise of AI and automation means ad platforms rely more than ever on the right signals to deliver results. Are you giving them what they need to optimise your campaigns?Track Everything That Matters: Make sure your website is set up to capture all the right metrics—don’t leave valuable data
Diversify Your Marketing Platforms: Protect Your Business from Risk
Picture this: your marketing campaigns are thriving on one platform, delivering great results, and then—out of nowhere—it all stops. Maybe it’s an algorithm change, a suspension, or some technical issue that takes you offline or performance slumps.Diversifying where and how you advertise isn’t just about growing your reach; it’s about
What’s in Store for 2024?
Life has got to get easier. SURELY with all this tech and automation and AI? We want to focus on simplification and streamlining of all processes and reduction of friction points. This is the dream. AI – Undoubtedly, we foresee ongoing exponential advancements in AI capabilities, necessitating businesses to adopt the
Whoa, we just navigated the wild, wild wilderness 2023! As we sit here, at the year's grand finale, we're like, "What just happened?" It's been a rollercoaster ride, folks! We're a little shell-shocked and worn out, trying to digest the crazy whirlwind that was the last 365 days. How did we
Google Ads – Primary and Secondary
A critical part of campaign optimisation is ensuring that the platform algorithms are optimised for the right business objectives. Google seems to love to add or change features and terminology in Google Ads – especially in the conversions section. Sometimes we can see new conversion goals at we are pretty
Daily Trend Sheets – Eye on the Prize
Every client at PayPerClick has a daily trend sheet. CHECK THE DAILY… is the morning catchphrase. The daily Looker Studio Report shows client performance day by day for last 30 days: impressions, clicks, transactions, conversion, revenue and ROAS. This way you can quickly see if a campaign suddenly drops off
There are a lot of layers of complexity in digital marketing – we have to constantly keep our eyes on the ball. Digital performance is critical to many businesses. Campaign, customer experience, tech and sales all need to be functioning well. When things break, or the wheels come off –
Sue discusses 20 years of Digital Marketing
"Australian businesses are losing $5.46 billion in marketing wasted budgets like it's ludicrous." - Sue Blatchford We are excited to announce that our very own Sue Blatchford was a guest speaker on the Managing Marketing podcast this week! It was a great honour for Sue to discuss the latest industry trends
GA4 the Time is Now
Fellow business owners and marketers – we can no longer bury our heads in the sand and hang onto our beloved insightful Google Analytics Universal profiles and custom reports which we have spent endless days and years enjoying the valuable fruitful insights in a way we have become accustomed to.We
Is Paid Search Dead?
We’ve been in the Search Engine Marketing business for over 15 years and today, we find ourselves increasingly challenged by our existing and potential customers on whether or not Paid Search, particularly on Google, has had its heyday and is still relevant. When Paid Search was in its infancy, it was